Up my mileage

After Army Half Marathon and Sundown Ultramarathon (25km), it was time to focus on my marathon training for the upcoming Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore.

And the first change I made to my training program was to add one more day of running, from the usual 4 days a week to 5 days a week. Nothing too intense, just an easy run of about 10km on Saturday mornings and increasing the distance of some workouts to ramp up my weekly mileage. This is what I have been doing:

Tues: Intervals with Jurong Safra (8km speedwork+ 3km warm up/cool down)

Wed: 15 km tempo run @ NUS + 2km warm up/cool down

Thurs: Easy run/moderate run with Safra, usually 12km to 16km

Sat: Recovery jog or easy run, betw 8km to 14km

Sun: Long run, betw 28km to 35km

By following through the above training plan diligently, I find it quite manageable to hit at least 70-80km each week (as compared to 50km previously). It has been three weeks and I’m quite happy with my progress so far. The additional day of running has not affect my weekdays training. Instead, it has somehow make me feel fitter and stronger.

This is the final week to Newton Challenge 32km and I tapering this week to prepare for the race. This will be a low mileage week for me but I guess the race on Sunday, which no doubt gonna be a hard workout is a good enough reason for me to relax a little. I’m pretty excited about the race as it would be a chance to try out my target race pace. Hopefully I could finish as strong as last year.

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